【応募期限は 5/31まで】野外×アート×まちなか「トロールの森2024」作品募集|主催:トロールの森実行委員会
Trolls in the Park is an international open-air art exhibition that has been held in Metropolitan Zenpukuji Park in Suginami-ku since 2002 under the theme of “encountering art in daily life” rather than in a museum. Since 2013, the event has expanded from Zenpukuji Park into the surrounding neighborhood and JR Nishiogikubo Station area, while also developing a range of expressive forms that include installation, performance and projects that uncover the history of the local area.
From installations that encourage new ways of perceiving the natural park setting and charming urban spaces of Nishiogikubo; to poetry, music and dance performances that embrace nature and encourage residents and passersby to join in the events under the vast sky; to workshops, exhibitions and plays in elementary schools that echo with the voices of children—we look forward to receiving proposals for artworks and projects that transcend existing genres.
風が吹いている。 運んでくるのは、木々や花々のかおり、近くの家々の料理、商店街のくらしのにおい。
風が吹いている。 運んでくるのは、燃えさかる炎や粉塵、遠くの子供たちの声、人々のくらしのにおい。
The Scent of Wind
The wind is blowing.
It carries the scent of trees and flowers, the aromas of cooking from homes nearby, and the smells of life in the shopping district.
The wind is blowing.
It carries with it the smell of burning flames and dust, the voices of children in the distance, and the smell of people’s lives.
It may bring back memories of the distant past, the breath of tomorrow, or the light of the future.
What emotions does the wind conjure in you, and what winds will you call upon?
D.JR西荻窪駅/Daily Table KINOKUNIYA角に設置する空間表現作品
Eは公開日限定:11月9日(土)、10日(日) ※児童対象のワークショップは主に会期前に実施予定
A. Site-specific work in Metropolitan Zenpukuji Park (installation, sculpture, architecture, etc.)
B. Performance work in Metropolitan Zenpukuji Park (performance, theater, dance, pantomime, music, etc.)
Town area
C. Site-specific/Performance work and projects in shops, galleries and on streets of the Nishi-Ogikubo and Zenpukuji area
E. Site-specific/Performance work, workshops, and other creative proposals that utilize the Momoi Daishi Elementary school
※A combination of any of the above is also possible
野外×アート×まちなか 「トロールの森2024」
トロールの森 実行委員会
Name: Trolls in the Park 2024– Contemporary Art Exhibition
Organizers: Trolls in the Park Organizing Committee
Venues : Metropolitan Zenpukuji Park (vicinity of the upper pond)
[Tokyo, Suginami Ward, Zenpukuji 3-chome]
*Metropolitan Zenpukuji Park is a public park open to the public 24 hours a day (free admission).
Momoi Daishi Elementary School. Nishi-Ogiubo area
Date: November 3 (Sun/Public holiday) – 23 (Sat/Public holiday), 2024
Free entry
*However, participating artists are required to pay an administration fee of 20,000yen following selection.
(Refund after the end of the term unless there is a special condition such as violation of the Exhibition rules)
Exhibitors will be selected by the Organizing Committee through a primary screening based on applications, and through a secondary screening involving a review of applications in addition to interview presentations with candidates.
※Interview: 30th June
※Interviews may be conducted online for those who live far away.
For those wishing to participate from overseas
– No entry fee is required.
– We are unable to pay for travel, accommodation, production, exhibition or performance costs. Please make use of financial support provided in your country of residence or in Japan to foreign residents.
– If you are unable to come to Japan to exhibit or perform, we will not be able to reimburse you for expenses incurred up to that point.
– If you are unable to come to Japan, it may still be possible to organize an online program, such as a workshop or other suitable form.
Download (1) the application form and (2) the plan sheet from below. Fill out the form and send it to us by e-mail or mail together with your past works, profile and other materials (no more than 2 A4-size sheets).
2024年5月31日(金) 必着
Applications must arrive no later than May 31 (Fri), 2024, sent either by email or post.
■ダウンロード Download
Please read the application guidelines carefully before applying
■Guideline (pdf)→Guideline2024
■Documents to be submitted
Application form (pdf)→Application2024.pdf
Application form (word)→Application2024.docx
Proposal form (pdf)→Plan2024.pdf
Proposal form (WORD)→Plan2024.docx
5/31(金) 募集締め切り日 [必着]
6/上旬 一次審査(書類選考)
7/上旬 出展者決定
7/14(日)キックオフミーティング [参加必須]
7/下旬~ 出展プラン検討~制作期間
9/8(日)一般公聴会 野外[参加必須]
野外 作品搬入・設置期間
野外 作品撤去・搬出期間
5/31 Application Deadline
Early June First Screening (written applications)
※All applicants will be contacted about application results in the first screening
6/30 Second Screening (interview)/ Preparation day:6/29
Ealy July Participants Selected
※Only accepted artists in the first screening will be contacted
7/14 Online Meeting for All Participants
7 (End)
Proposals Considered
– Proposals will be examined in detail before their implementation.
– The details of outdoor works in Zenpukuji Park will be considered, followed by negotiation with the park manager from the viewpoints of safety, durability, park biodiversity, legal requirements relating to the Natural Park Act, and influences on the neighboring residential area. Those who receive approval may begin production of proposed work.
– In the case of proposals for the Nishi-Ogikubo town area, negotiation with related shops, etc. will be undertaken, and dates and other details fixed.
9/8 Public Meeting
※A meeting for the general public taking place in Zenpukuji Park in which respective proposals are explained, and details about location and installment verified.
10/20– 11/2 Installation of Artworks
※Artworks in Zenpukuji Park only
11/3 – 11/23 Exhibition
※During the exhibition, an art tour will be organized in Zenpukuji Park (first and last day).
Participation is required for artists who present site-specific work in the park.
11/24 – 11/30 De-installation of Artworks
※Artworks in Zenpukuji Park only
「トロールの森2023」記録集 2023 Catalogue
「トロールの森2022」記録集 2022 Catalogue
⇒ mail@trollsinthepark.com
・《name》部分には、ご自身のお名前をローマ字表記でご記載ください。《 》の表記は不要です。 Wordファイルの場合は、拡張子部分が、 .pdf → .doc/docxなどとなります。
例 山田太郎さんの応募用紙の場合は、PDFであればYamadaTaro_appli.pdf WORDでは YamadaTaro_appli.doc またはYamadaTaro_appli.docx、amadaTaro_appli.rtfなど
〒167-0041 東京都杉並区善福寺4-2-10
トロールの森実行委員会 事務局 作品応募係
トロールの森 実行委員会
Enquiries are only accepted by e-mail. In some cases, there may be a delay in the organizers’ response.