【7/10 提出締切】ARCASIA Thesis of the year 2023|JIA国際委員会
【7/10 提出締切】ARCASIA Thesis of the year 2023|JIA国際委員会
The objective of the ARCASIA Thesis of the Year 2023 (TOY ARCASIA 2023) is to provide an arena for the schools of architecture in ARCASIA member countries and their undergraduate students to display their potential and fresh ideas in the international platform provided by ARCASIA to heighten and elevate architecture education in Asia. TOY ARCASIA is dedicated to fresh ideas in the Thesis from the final-year students in each member country and opens a route to the knowledge exchange of architectural education.
■Entry Eligibility
The works are submitted by ARCASIA Member Institutes. Each institute must set up a procedure to select National Winners and submit 3 (three) national winners to the TOY ARCASIA Committee for the final judging (the TOY ARCASIA Judging Committee). The work must be a completed thesis of the fifth or final-year student in an undergraduate professional degree program. Students cannot submit their work directly to TOY ARCASIA.
国内審査にて優秀作品3点を選出し、Thesis of the year事務局へJIAから送付いたします。
公益社団法人 日本建築家協会(JIA)
本部事務局 jiacontact@jia.or.jp
Architects Regional Council Asia